Winter is coming, but in my heart, it's summer!
Monday 27 November 2023
My favorite destination is undoubtedly Ibiza. So cliché, but the relaxation I experience there is so intense.

I want to particularly talk about the last week of a vacation. My husband left a week earlier than me due to work. I had long wanted to turn my stay into a mindfulness/retreat/silence week, and this was my chance... It resulted in some very special experiences.
For several years, I've been focused on conscious living, something that makes my limitations bearable in difficult times. I've taken mindfulness courses, been on a retreat, attended yoga classes, and much more. (Click on the related content button below, if you like to get more inspiration) Hence, I didn't really choose a name for this week, so I'd like to mention the mix for you. I combined everything I've learned throughout my life to get closer to myself during the last week in Ibiza. Lots of meditation, 'walking' (getting dropped off at a place but mentally walking, weird huh, but yes, it really works!), eating healthy, living with the sun not the clock, no phone, no social media, no conversations with people from home. In short, if you feel lonely, don't call home but find it there. In some cases, stepping out of your comfort zone.
A storm is approaching, and my body starts sounding the alarm like a weatherwoman. It's something I've had my whole life. As soon as there's a storm, thunder, or something similar approaching, my right shoulder starts to tense up, and before you know it, my whole body. Normally, this is a moment when I'd lie in bed and entertain myself with TV and social media. But yes, I had agreed not to do that. So, I didn't. But I noticed that, for example, Facebook gives me a feeling of being 'in the know'. So, if I don't look, am I not in the know? And all those people I can't congratulate!! That's really not fun! Of course, celebrating every day that you're alive is best, but your birthday is special. What many people don't know is that it takes a lot of hand function to make this possible. Even the standard 'congratulations' under my phone's copy button I rarely did because even that costs too much energy. So, I quickly realized how ridiculous this actually was. So much energy to congratulate on Facebook!
There's no better place than Ibiza to accept this. There are just things in life that many people often do constantly but due to my limitations are simply not possible. Even though nowadays you can dictate a lot more, one must consider that you still need a hand function level for that. For example, I can't always dictate on WhatsApp because my voice is getting harder to understand...! But okay, back to accepting. I'm so in the Ibiza flow that not using social media is pretty easy. I'm sitting in the most beautiful places with my assistance dog by my side (so safe). I smell the sea, feel the wind through my hair, and everyone radiates. It'll be much harder at home where all I know is 'Winter is coming'..! The difference is we're not there now, so stay in the now. I have to laugh at myself as I write this, but seriously... Stay in the now!!

I go to my favorite spot in Ibiza for the last time to imprint the moment in my mind so that I can return to this place from anywhere in the world. I meditate for a long time. I try to store everything I see in my mind. The birds flying past me as if I were one of them. The wind blowing over my face. In complete tranquility, we see a boat approaching. Very far away. As it gets closer, I burst out laughing! It's obviously a boat, not a little boat (I'm not very good at estimating). They sail peacefully along the coast out of my sight. More and more people come to stand beside me to see what I'm looking at. It doesn't annoy me; it even brings peace. It's too beautiful not to share. Some people don't see it; others sit down next to me and quietly watch. The sun slowly sets; it's time to go. Back home.
'Winter is coming' but in my heart, it's summer!